Bug Out Survival Basics Part 1 | Support

Bug Out Survival Basics Part 1 | Support
It is important that you create some preparations with family and friends to ensure that you have some chance of escape when the shit hits the fan. Being prepared for all the possible dangers around us is not about predicting the future but protecting us from imminent danger when something does happen. Knowing who around you is prepared and isn’t will help soften the blow when a disaster strikes. Putting together a support team ahead of time is wise thinking.

I’m a prepper and I have fun creating lots of content. Some content is about prepping and survival, and some content is just about daily stuff.

Email: subtac@suburbitat.com

subtac on Minds: https://www.minds.com/subtac
subtac on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/subtac
subtac’s web site: http://www.suburbitat.com
Follow subtac on Twitter: http://twitter.com/subtac
Find subtac on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/subtac.tactician

Background Music From Art List:
1. Behind The Clouds by Fog
2. Father’s by Alon Ohana – Grooves
3. Promised by Around Us
4. Relato Pop by Milton – Panth Lab