Bug Out Survival Basics Part 2 | The Human Element

Bug Out Survival Basics Part 2 | The Human Element
It is important to prepare your family and loved ones ahead of time. If shit hits the fan and you need to bug out, they need to be physically, mentally, and psychology ready to go.

I’m a prepper and I have fun creating lots of content. Some content is about prepping and survival, and some content is just about daily stuff.

Email: subtac@suburbitat.com

subtac on Minds: https://www.minds.com/subtac
subtac on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/subtac
subtac’s web site: http://www.suburbitat.com
Follow subtac on Twitter: http://twitter.com/subtac
Find subtac on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/subtac.tactician

Background Music From Art List:
1. Maybe by Duce Williams – Miami Folk
2. Words (B&G) by Assaf Ayalon – Gone Like This