Wilderness Skills TOP 5 Plant books

This channel is and offshoot of a Physical training program I started, to teach Survival skills and mindset to people. after My son Conner was diagnosed with A.S.D. part of it morphed into a confidence and self esteem building program for disabled children,with a focus on wood land skills, sometimes called bushcrafting. But primarily I a’m a survival instructor which means i show people how to reduce the potential of death in emergency situations I.E. fire, earthquake, and prepping skills. I dont make video’s of format that will get the untrained killed in the wilderness or Urban theaters, I will however show people how to get off the X and improvise till rescue happens including the mindset of survival. If you want to make a spoon out of a oak tree sorry thats not what I do. I do not call myself and expert i have learned and practiced a set of skill set’s and believe Knowledge that isn’t shared has no value. I value your feed back and comments .

Please watch: “SHTF thoughts on Youtuber Bushcrafter’s,prepper’s,and survivalist”
