All videos in category People & Blogs (338 videos) - page 2

  • survival skills and outdoor survival gear. Hallo alle, wir haben die zweite Trekkingtour im Pfälzerwald zu den Trekkingplatz 3 Leinsweiler/Trifels gemacht. Hier die erste Tour Meine Freunde: Jörn, ProNatura79… Jörg, Waldheimat… Jörg, Wanderjoe… Gregor, Der Waldgeist… Stefan und Frank, Natureman70… Hier eine Karte aller Pfälzerträkkingplätze :

  • I built this hut in the bush using naturally occurring materials and primitive tools. The hut is 2m wide and 2m long, the side walls are 1m high and the ridge line (highest point) is 2m high giving a roof angle of 45 degrees. A bed was built inside and it takes up a little…

  • The wilderness is our classroom and is as important as our curriculum in defining the student experience. It takes time to develop a relationship with and deep knowledge of a place. For over 46 years BOSS has been running courses in the canyons, on the mesas and on the mountains surrounding Boulder, Utah. Footage recorded…

  • Just a quick rant on lost and compass scenarios. Basic compass. One Direction. This will not take long ! Survival school

  • Get Your Free Prepping Crash Course… In this video we’ll share 4 vital wilderness survival tips will show you how to survive in the wilderness effectively. These survival skills will help you if you ever have to live in the wilderness or find yourself in the woods. For a starters don’t assume that river water…

  • This is just 1 of over 150 + Edible plants in New Zealands brilliant bush. Pretty tasty and in a survival situation it is worth knowing about.

  • Survival Skills DVDs

    Imagine being able to walk off into the woods with nothing more than a knife, and s

  • My current bushcraft kit I take with me on winter hikes. . Contents include Marmot kompressor ultra pack falkniven f1 fiskars x7 hatchet corona folding saw stainless steel nalgene msr pocket rocket stove jetboil fuel canister SOL heatsheet x2 bandanna x2 fire kit, first aid kit batteries for camera equipment 550 cord leather gloves casualty…

  • Wilderness and Freedom

    In this short, 8-minute video, learn how and why Matt Graham, a Southern California native, became one of the great modern-day hunter-gatherers and how the lessons of his wanderings and wilderness survival skills and experiences apply to your world. Matt is truly an extraordinary example of a unique and fulfilled life.

  • i making bow drill fire and bow a cold winter day

  • Um den Dschungel kennen zu lernen, reiste ich in den Süden Thailands. Dort war ich unter anderem im Khao Sok Nationalpark unterwegs, wo mich nahezu undurchdringliches Buschwerk und eine Luftfeuchtigkeit von über 80 Prozent erwartete. Zusätzlich wimmelte es überall von Ameisen, Spinnen und Termiten. Wasserfälle und unzählige Dornen machen das vorankommen sehr mühsam und schwer….

  • Im elften Teil der Serie erkläre ich zwei Möglichkeiten zum Ermitteln einer Marschzahl. Mit dieser kann man die Richtung zum Ziel einhalten, auch wenn dieses nicht zu sehen ist und man irgendwo mitten im Wald steht. – Spiegelkompass „Recta DS 50 G“: (*) – Sacki´s Bücher: (*) * Hierbei handelt es sich um sog. Affiliate-Links….