How To Open Coconuts Without Any Tools
If you’re not a coconut cracking ninja from Samoa, then you’ll need an easier way to bust coconuts for pleasure, or for survival. This is the easiest and most effective way I’ve found to do it, when you don’t have any tools.
Inspired by Tom Hanks “Castaway”. Best movie ever!
[✓] Fresh Coconuts (Set of 3):
Endcard Links:
Kryptonite Crackle Ball:
Lighting Matches Without The Box:
10 ft Rocket Phone:
Nitrogen Balloon:
See What Else I’m Up To:
Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly:
Music by: TinyCat – “Tropical Island”
Commercial rights purchased from
This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
- Education
- 01032010814
- Backpacking
- Bushcraft
- bust coconut
- bust nut
- Camping
- castaway
- coconut
- coconut cracking
- coconut tree
- coconut water
- crack coconut
- cracking coconuts
- Desert Island
- easiest way to open a coconut
- emergency
- experiment
- grant thompson
- hiking
- How to
- island life
- king of random
- Life Hacks
- outdoors
- palm tree
- prepardness
- Prepper
- samoa
- Survival
- survival hack
- survival kit
- Survival skills
- Survival Skills (TV Genre)
- survival tips
- the king of random