All videos in category Travel & Events (97 videos) - page 3


    In the fall of 2013, a friend and I set out to canoe the lakes of Killarney Provincial Park, for the first time during the cooler months of the year. We had only been in the park during the summer months. I also had a vision of creating a short film on the essence of…

  • Full-length video from my 18-day hike from Boulder Mountain to Moab, Utah. Highlights include Upper Gulch, Circle Cliffs, Upper Muley Twist, Swap Canyon, Tarantula Mesa, Henry Mountains, Little Egypt, Poison Springs Canyon, Dirty Devil River, Happy Canyon, The Maze, Canyonlands and Behind the Rocks.

  • Learn how to find water in the desert.

  • “These grubs are like McDonald’s,” the survival specialist told How to Do Florida’s Chad Crawford. Would our intrepid host make it through the night in the Florida forest?

  • EDIT – 28/12/2012: Since I keep getting asked the same questions, here’s a FAQ: Question: “Why didn’t you use the snow as a water source?” Answer: I did not use the snow because because it wasn’t deep enough to scoop it up. The ground you see at 3:15 is a good overall respresentation of the…

  • Wilderness Dropouts Pilot

    Several student friends become fed up with the pressures and expectations of college and modern life and decide to leave society and live in the wilderness. They have no survival skills and are addicted to their digital devices, but they are committed to living life off the grid.

  • Ray przedstawia nam postać geodety odkrywcy, oraz kilka technik przydatnych w dziczy.

  • Erlebe zwei Tage und eine Nacht die Natur pur – im Wildniscamp! Der erfahrene Scout und Wildnislehrer Hubertus zeigt dir, wie man in freier Natur mit einfachen Hilfsmittel (über)lebt. Jetzt auf buchen:

  • School in the Woods Chief Instructor Doug Getgood spent a year living alone in a cabin in the Northern wilderness of Ontario, Canada. This is his record of that year.

  • Buy here: This duffle is an excellent value compared to anything similar on the market! Easy to load and haul, spacious, water resistant, and tough. This versatile bag is perfect for any adventure. Our Price:$49.99

  • W tym odcinku Ray opowie historie mało znanego lecz zasłużonego pioniera Samual’a Hearne’a.