Survival Basics - page 136

  • Bushcraft Expeditions annual trip to the Bamboo forests of Northern Thailand, learning the Bushcraft and survival skills of the Karen people. For more information please click here:

  • Just a discussion on the quinzee, in hopes to get out some safety info that is typically left out on the topic

  • Many People get lost while Hiking. Let Derek Randles and James Million of the Olympic Project give you some ideas of what to pack when you are out for the day. These guys are out in woods around 5 days a week! They are experts at Wilderness Survival! If your interested in lessons contact them…

  • I have had several requests to show what gear I carry when I go camping. In this video I unload my pack after getting home from a camp out with the Boy Scouts. It was not a backpacking trip, just camping at the lake. Here are links to buy many of the items I show…

  • Überlebenstraining in 6 Minuten gezeigt. Was ist Survival Training in der Wildnis. Ich zeige euch die Grund Basic Techniken um in einer Wildnis Natur Überlebenssituation zu Überleben. Überleben in der Wildnis Überlebenstraining in der Schweiz Survival Training Wilderness in 6 Minutes Survival Skills Überleben in der Natur Wenn du nicht alles verstanden hast dann schaue…

  • Support me on PATREON Bear Grylls style survival trip. Living off the land to survive. Two guy’s in the bush for 3 days, surviving off the land.

  • How to Make a Net, Part 1

    Back in traditional times containers such as, pottery, bowls, nets and baskets were prized possessions and used on a daily basis. Primitive cultures around the world would use natural containers for gathering food, carrying supplies, and much more. In this video Martin Survival joins a guest to discuss the uses for nets and materials used…

  • In this episode, I show you how to use natural shelters for emergency situations. I also share a story about a friend of mine, who needed to use emergency shelters on several occasions.

  • Survival Snow Shelter

    How to make a simple Survival Snow Shelter for resting 2-5 hours. Follow on Facebook:

  • We build a very simple wilderness shelter frame in this video. We start by constructing two Amazing Wilderness Camp Chair frames, install one cross beam and the basic frame is complete. Add a waterproof tarp and your done. To learn how to build an Amazing Wilderness Camp Chair click here: To learn how to make…

  • In this video i show how to make a fast, comfortable Survival Snow Shelter. This military type Shelter is for Patrol/Recce. Facebook:

  • The reverse figure 4 snare is a very easy trap trigger that can snare a wide variety of game. This trap only takes minutes to carve and setup. This video will show you everything you need to know. SIGMA 3 is quickly growing to the largest survival school in the world and we need your…