All videos for the tag : Camping (970 videos) - page 51

  • The Informed Woodsman

    NOTE: As a result of YT forcing us to have a “Google+” account in order to receive notification of or respond to viewer comments, the comment section has been disabled. Here is a link to the DVD Make shelter, tools, weapons, cordage, comfort items and fires. Identify, find and use the best cordage materials….

  • This is the story of my trip to the Utah Desert with the Boulder Outdoor Survival School. This is the conclusion of the series. Hope you have enjoyed watching.

  • Emergency survival compass

    In this video Zachary makes an emergency compass using a needle and a magnet

  • looking .. its easy ..

  • How to filter and purify water in the jungle – tips and tricks.

  • Our good friend Bobby Plude () taught us a great technique for setting up a ridgeline, quick and effectively.

  • Short video series showing the basics of net making, from the tools and equipment used to the making of two simple net styles

  • Mors Kochanski teaching the construction of a simple winter lean-to shelter for overnighting in the Canadian wilderness, for use when conditions are unsuitable for the construction of snow shelters. Not sure of the date for this video, I think its probably early 90’s Techniques for building the shelter, bed and fire are demonstrated with minimum…

  • Mors Kochanski teaching the construction of a simple winter lean-to shelter for overnighting in the Canadian wilderness, for use when conditions are unsuitable for the construction of snow shelters. Not sure of the date for this video, I think its probably early 90’s Techniques for building the shelter, bed and fire are demonstrated with minimum…

  • In the 1860s a small band of native Indians provided the finest demonstration of the military value of survival skills. Follow in the footsteps of the tenacious war leader Geronimo, exploring the skills his people employed to stay alive at a time when every hand turned against them. Get this series of videos and more…

  • Mora has come out with a new knife in the bushcraft series. I am going to test it in different situations and test during a period of time and you can follow mein that quest. I will att the end of the test period fo a full reveiw on the knife. Watch more Videos with…