All videos for the tag : Camping (970 videos) - page 56
Giving a personal challenge. The prize! Depends on you 🙂 Please visit our website
Birdhouse for Papa1129009:58
Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue
Survival Lilly´s SUPER SHELTER – A PRIVATE TOUR1127903:02
In this Episode, I got a private Tour through Survival Lilly´s Bugout Camp. Enjoy an inside view of Lillys Bugout Camp. Here is the Link to Lilly´s channel:
A short clip on using the GSI cup
Sloyd Project 3 Making Wooden Buttons1088209:05
Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue
Dual Survival: Four Years in the Wilderness1080301:01:28
Download at One would think that advanced technologies like the Internet, wi-fi, and cellular phones would make our modern world simpler. While it’s true that it makes life convenient, modern technology makes us more vulnerable than ever, completely dependent upon our antiquated electrical grid. Dual Survival brings this startling reality into clear focus. Currently filming…
PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION: In this video: I show the walking stick or survival stick I built. Logic Group LLC was launched to bring together facts, ideas and education surrounding self sustainability, passive and active solar energy, permaculture, homesteading, survival skills and to promote a conscious self-reliant mindset while building a better future through the…
Forging a Claw Hammer with Liam Hoffman Part 21070715:45
Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue
Reproducing an Antique Draw Shave Part 31054612:00
Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue
Alpenlore Survival Belt1044004:59
Alpenlore Website: Living Survival: Second Channel: Google+: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Any questions about this product click on the link below. Thank you. Please visit our website
Drama began on the second day when Al fell in to a lake, then struggled to get his clothes dry in the wet weather. Better times eventually followed ad the sun finally came out.