All videos for the tag : Camping (970 videos) - page 59

  • The parts of a compass include the degree measurements around the circumference of the circle, the magnetic north needle that always points north and any other attachments, such as a magnifying glass. Understand the role of each part of a compass with life-saving tips from an experienced wilderness expert in this free video on surviving…

  • Hello guys this is Nick from HF Survival School . Thank you for joining me , today I thought I would take you with me in the woods to make a fire in wet conditions and also make a small bushcraft dinner , to make a traditional Georgian food . Hope you will like it…

  • This is the 12th year that Hollowtop Outdoor Primitive School, LLC has hosted the Junior High Camping Trip with 7th and 8th graders from Harrison Public School in Harrison, Montana. This video features pictures and video clips from our four days and three nights of camping, wilderness survival, and primitive skills, games, and fun. For…

  • In this video I show you how to test the edibility of a plant in an emergency situation.

  • A review of the highly functional Black Savage Multi-Function Compass Kit. A very low cost backup option for your kits. 1 is none and 2 is one (and this fits the bill for the “2” option” for much of your gear) ?

  • *PLEASE READ* Part 2 of my wilderness survival backpacking trip in Northern Ontario, Please note some images ie: mushrooms, are for visual purposes only, do not attempt to eat any of the mushrooms seen in this video, thus being the reason i don’t go into detail about them. Please leave feedback 🙂 thank you enjoy.

  • One of our training Instructor, Bobby Plude, shares a quick tip and trick to maximize the effectiveness of hand made tent stakes when being used to construct shelters. This simple technique can really improve the function of the tent or tarp you are setting up to ensure they will not pull out in the middle…

  • This is a review of the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter. A good water filter could be one of the most important items of survival gear you carry when you go into the wilderness. I believe the Pocket Water Filter from Katadyn is one of the best water filters on the market today! I give this…

  • In my opinion this kit is a viable option for beginners to add to. It would fit in your pants pocket, glove box or use it for redundancy in your bug out bag. It can be found at Walmart or order it on Amazon with the link below. Thanks to The Prepper Dad who…

  • Many People get lost while Hiking. Let Derek Randles and James Million of the Olympic Project give you some ideas of what to pack when you are out for the day. These guys are out in woods around 5 days a week! They are experts at Wilderness Survival! If your interested in lessons contact them…

  • I have had several requests to show what gear I carry when I go camping. In this video I unload my pack after getting home from a camp out with the Boy Scouts. It was not a backpacking trip, just camping at the lake. Here are links to buy many of the items I show…

  • Support me on PATREON Bear Grylls style survival trip. Living off the land to survive. Two guy’s in the bush for 3 days, surviving off the land.