All videos for the tag : Camping (970 videos) - page 72

  • Using a cattail seed pod to create natural char cloth for survival fire starting. Cattail’s can be found in a lot of places around the world and are often very abundant. Survival Skills and Shelter. OTS Preparedness blog and website.

  • Theres lots of good designs for tarp shelters out there that are simple and fun to use. Alot of times Im in an area where I like to have some sort of floor to keep me off the wet ground.

  • Survival and bushcraft has always been an interest of mine, but i’v never had to balls to stray away from my tent and stove. So this is me giving it a go, on a short 2 day trip on the west coast of Scotland. Hope you enjoy!! (VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED!) 🙂 Facebook page:

  • The 5Cs – Survival vs Bushcraft ————————————————————— ►► SOCIAL MEDIA â—„â—„ ★ Website â–º ★ Facebook â–º ★ Twitter â–º ★ Instagram â–º ————————————————————— ►► SUPPORT LILLY â—„â—„ ★ Spreadshirt â–º ★ Lilly’s Amazon Store â–º ★ Paypal â–º ————————————————————— ►► GEAR AND EQUIPMENT LILLY IS USING â—„â—„ ★ Trouser â–º ★ Survival Knife…

  • Survival Poncho and Shelter

    Several viewers have asked how I use my Atlanco brand rain poncho as an emergency shelter. There are actually several different ways you can do this, shown here is just one of the many.

  • In this video Survival Lilly builds a super shelter in the woods. #Girlpower #Wecandoit Wanna see how the supershelter works? Watch this video: Thanks To Serkan Reis For The Animation: ————————————————————— ►► SOCIAL MEDIA â—„â—„ ★ Website â–º ★ Facebook â–º ★ Twitter â–º ★ Instagram â–º ————————————————————— ►► SUPPORT LILLY â—„â—„ ★ Spreadshirt…

  • My good friend Oregonmike came up with the idea to fill a box with mystery items and send it to me. My objective was to take the box into the woods and open it up on camera, and build a shelter and spend the night in the woods with the unknown contents of the box…

  • How to build a bushcraft survival long term wilderness shelter. A Great place to survive, survive skills, wilderness survival, survival techniques, military techniques, military survival & much more

  • Building a Dakota fire hole in our survival shelter for fire, heat and cooking purposes. Our fire pit will work great at heating our shelter. No more cold freezing nights!

  • This video demonstrates how to thatch a roof in under an hour for building a jungle shelter from palm. SIGMA 3 is quickly growing to the largest survival school in the world and we need your help spreading the word. Please share these videos on other forums, with other self reliance minded people. That is…

  • Yep! It’s Killed a Grizzly Bear! What is it? Well… it’s the Rock Solid – Chief AJ’s HFX Slingshot / Sling Bow. Is the HFX THE Best Hunting / Survival Sling Bow for Arrows and Shot? Survival Sling Bow Wars – Ep. 4 – Is Cheif AJ’s HFX Sling Bow better than Dave Canterbury’s Pocket…

  • How to Make a Net, Part 1

    Back in traditional times containers such as, pottery, bowls, nets and baskets were prized possessions and used on a daily basis. Primitive cultures around the world would use natural containers for gathering food, carrying supplies, and much more. In this video Martin Survival joins a guest to discuss the uses for nets and materials used…