All videos for the tag : Camping (970 videos) - page 74

  • This video will demonstrate how you can fill your canteen from a tree for drinking clean water in the wilderness. If you support SIGMA 3 Survival School, then please share like and subscribe. Also please click on ads. Clicking these ads provides us extra revenue to make more and better videos! So please help support…

  • How to Shit in the Woods

    This video describes different methods for using the bathroom in the woods. We discuss various plants that can be used during several seasons through out the year. If you support SIGMA 3 Survival School, then please share like and subscribe. Also please click on ads. Clicking these ads provides us extra revenue to make more…

  • Information on some of your many options for carrying water. Military style canteen (1 Quart) with cover and cup. Hydration Bladder. Plastic “Nalgene” bottles. GI Military style collapsible 2 quart canteen with cover, Zip-Lock bag. Iodine purification. Trioxane fuel bars. Info on each container.

  • Ground-to-air emergency signs are well known within Rescue parties. Easy displayed by day, you need at night a special procedure for an effective deployment. I call this solution the “SURVIVOR´s RESCUE CINEMA”. The signals can be also projected on the ground, on cliff faces or in urban areas on roofs and walls. The size of…

  • A 2 mm thick wire rope can be used as emergency replacement for a climbing rope, but it is very dangerous. Try this only as a last resort, when all else fails.

  • Make Yourself Seen. Look at your gear. Evaluate each item for its potential use as a signalling tool. Identify your signalling tools and arrange them so they’re at hand on a moment’s notice. BE FLASHY You can make a highly effective visual signal to aircraft or distant rescuers with a mirror or other reflector on…

  • Improvised Camp Lantern (part two) – extremely simple.

  • The candle emergency lantern, made of a old tin can, a candle, and a bit of wire for handle, is a device that will be found to be very useful in an emergency. The whole thing was a boxed light, shining ahead like a searchlight.

  • This time: Fire-starting with a Fresnel Lens. A Fresnel lens will save on using matches for cloudy days or nighttime while during sunshine you can start a fire for free. The compact and lightweight design of a Fresnel lens along with being inexpensive makes it a perfect addition to your survival kit. The Fresnel Lens…

  • Various methods to make water from snow. Demo of “Water Generator” construction & use. Also wet & cold weather firelighting tips. Slideshow of pictures with educational sub-titles, and music. These were taken the same day as my “Update & Survival Commentary” video. Check that one out if you haven’t. I explain my current camera issues…

  • Soldier emergency tinder. Snipers, combat medics, even Mantracker carry the same good fire tinder with themselves. Few of them know it. (repost)

  • Wrapping In A Wool Blanket

    This is a demonstration on how to wrap up and get the most out of a wool blanket when camping. I really like to use a single wool blanket for sleeping when temps arent to extreme. It is great to lounge on, wrap up next to the fire, and it is very comfortable to sleep…