All videos for the tag : Camping (970 videos) - page 76

  • Evasion bug out bag. Let´s say you are isolated in hostile or unfriendly territory and try to avoid capture – with the goal to return to friendly areas. You are challenged by the elements, terrain, hostile military forces and the local populace. You should carry evasion aids on your person, because isolation is usually sudden…

  • This time: The improvised storm-proof oil Lamp. Key Element: The lamp flame protector. A clear glass Chimney is a great and practical way to shield open flame, make lamp light brighter and prevent blow out. How to: Tie a string around the jar glass, soak it with fuel and sett it on fire, then plung…

  • Urban Survival Lamp: A brief power outage might leave you without power for an extended period of time. A very simple lamp can be made from materials which are available in practically every household in the following manner: A cheap glass tumbler is partly filled with water and then about 1/2 in. of safe, light…

  • Snake Awareness. Educate yourself about the types of snakes found in your area. This way you will know what to look for, which types of snakes are dangerous, and what you can do if you come in contact with one. Snake Safety Tips. If you see a snake while hiking, do not panic! Back away…

  • This time: Evasion encampment security system. To rest safely, it is essential to devise and use some sort of early warning system. This alarm system may consist of constructing wire or line with sound-producing devices attached. Be aware: this system works for the enemy as well and may prove to alert enemy forces to your…

  • This time: How to shelter under evasion conditions. For resting or sleeping you may need to seek a Shelter. But keep in mind: Concealment, not personal comfort is your primary concern-. You must select secure areas for refuge to avoid detection by the enemy. Another factor you must consider (since evaders are also survivors), is…

  • As a evader you must be proficient in the use of evasion and/or survival equipment to facilitate evasion. This time: Water purification. Water is very essential, but it can be difficult to acquire. No matter where water is procured, try to remain completely concealed when doing so. The enemy knows you need water and may…

  • The fuzz matchstick trick: Feather sticks, tinder or fuzz sticks, are one of the best ways to get a fire going when kindling is hard to come by. Fundamentally, a feather stick is just a branch that has had long, thin strips shaved off of it in order to provide more surface area – the…

  • The Hexamine stove is used by most of the worlds armed forces. With the included Hexamine Fuel Tablets, you can easily prepare a meal. If tablets are no longer available, from whatever reason, then use this military survival technique. Keep in mind: When things don’t go as planned: Adapt. Improvise and Overcome.

  • Tea strainer: improvised Rescue Signaling Technique Signaling for rescue in any survival situation is extremely important. The more signaling ‘know-how’ tactics you have in your “Trick-Bag” the better your chances are of rescue. 1) Stuff the tea strainer with birch bark. 2) Light the Birch bark (wait for a short time, then perform step 3)…

  • If your BIC-lighter runs out of fuel or you’ve only got a spark, you can still light a fire. The lean-to is a classic shelter around the world. But is not quite as efficient of a shelter as the TV shows and books would lead us to believe. It offers little in the way of…