All videos for the tag : chaga (6 videos)
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Locating And Using Rocks to Start A Fire14774008:16
A demonstration of where what and how to look for and use rocks that will spark when struck with a piece of high carbon steel such as a carbon steel knife. To catch the spark I’m using Chaga or True Tinder Fungus. Chaga grows on Birch trees and after drying works like charred cloth for…
Simple Solo Wilderness Winter Camping6430321:38
Join me as I venture into the Vermont wilderness in late March for a 4 day simple solo experience. Along the way I will give you a few tips, trick and some inspiration. Let me guide you to the Outdoors. We understand some of you may be upset that a tree was cut down. At…
Bushcraft: Minimal Kit Winter Survival15901320:18
EDIT – 28/12/2012: Since I keep getting asked the same questions, here’s a FAQ: Question: “Why didn’t you use the snow as a water source?” Answer: I did not use the snow because because it wasn’t deep enough to scoop it up. The ground you see at 3:15 is a good overall respresentation of the…
Primitive Skills Survival Challenge – Pathfinder Knife Challenge27051601:18:39
In this primitive skills survival challenge not even the use of a knife is allowed. The only man-made items used were one inner strand of a 5′ section of 550 paracord and a small #6 Aberdeen fish hook. Thanks everyone for the subs, views, comments, and support. I know it’s a long video, but Sarge…
Thanks for watching MiWilderness.