All videos for the tag : civil unrest (3 videos)

  • Personal SHTF : Be Prepared

    Sensible Prepper Presents: Personal SHTF : Be prepared. Preparing for an Economic Collapse, Civil Unrest or a Zombie Apocalypse can be over kill if you’re not prepared for everyday emergencies. You can have a Personal SHTF at anytime, anywhere. Here are a few things to make you better prepared to face an emergency Situation. Thanks…

  • This video covers 2 basic urban survival tips that discuss how the freeway numbering system can help tell you what direction it runs and also touches on a common grid system layout for planned cities that has streets run east and west and avenues run north and south. This is not standardized in all cities…

  • This is a quick video on the urban survival shelters option of using abandoned industrial buildings as a shelter option in a grid down or bug out situation. I don’t think these are great options for much more than a quick night or two at the most. There are several significant downsides to using a…