All videos for the tag : Fire (512 videos) - page 37

  • This Quick Tip we show you how to start a fire with the Suunto MC-2 compass and how your kit can be used as a multi-functional resource. Please like, share, and subscribe. GET THIS COMPASS HERE: Website: Twitter: @Black_Scout Facebook: Instagram:

  • Solo Overnighter in the Alps, without sleeping gear. Test, train and practice your Survival Skills. Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: Stay warm in high altitudes, tips and tricks, great scenery, awesome views, long hike. Self-selected emergency bivouac Selbst gewähltes Not Biwak

  • Homemade gorditas for breakfast while camping, simple recipe, mexican food. bacon, cheese and corn bread. Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue, cooking, camp cooking, camp fire cooking, wild cooking, ray mears, bear grylls, survivorman, dave canterburry

  • We’ve found rodent haven!!! Figure 4 deadfall… set and ready for action! Bugs… We’ll smoke em out! Gathering willow for crawdad trap and other projects…

  • For more info and photos visit: After taking part in some online discussions, I realised that a lot of people didn’t actually understand what feather sticks are all about. The problem became apparent under a picture showing someone batoning with their knife. As always, I took a stance defending batoning as a viable method of…

  • Back up the creek. We are exploring more of the area and starting to establish our primitive camp. Today I only brought a lighter… and the cloths on my back. This is the first part of a 2-part day trip we took. There was just too much going on that day to leave out. I…

  • 2nd half of part 4. More survival fun along the creek If you want to learn more about knapping you will need to find someone who knows more about it than me. Paleomanjim here on youtube has a great beginner series starting here: There many other great knapping gurusout there too. I make no claim…

  • Get it here… 1. The bracelet could be disassembled as rope for making traps, building tents, and in a lot other emergent situations; 2. The scraper works as a fire starter, but could used as a knife as well; 3. The add-on compass feature provides easy safety for navigation while travelling; 4. The built-in whistle…

  • Website: Blog: Facebook: My Band: Video and Music by Dave Mitch’ Mitchell

  • This time: Don´t burn your fingers! Some have already tried this trick, and burned their fingers. So it’s time to show the trick again. Cut a strip from the aluminium foil of 10 cm and fold it in half lengthwise, in order to make a kind of butterfly bandage. Leave a thin “bridge” in the…

  • Request from a friend in Järnboås Sweden. He wanted me to make a Fire & Tinder box and demo! how to use the kit. Watch more Videos with ungnaturkraft at I show you different videos about #common mans #bushcraft and woodland #skills. My goal is to make #woodlore simple and cheap. I do not use…

  • Survival Skills DVDs

    Imagine being able to walk off into the woods with nothing more than a knife, and s