All videos for the tag : Flint (27 videos) - page 3

  • Get it here… 1. The bracelet could be disassembled as rope for making traps, building tents, and in a lot other emergent situations; 2. The scraper works as a fire starter, but could used as a knife as well; 3. The add-on compass feature provides easy safety for navigation while travelling; 4. The built-in whistle…

  • This is a little White Box cook stove I got from my friends at . It uses HEET (yellow bottle NOT red) to light and cook with. I was very impressed with the results and is perfect in an emergency or for Minimalist campers! It only cost 20 bucks and came with a carry bag.

  • Wilderness Education

    Jens Rasmussen Hosts the Jack Mountain Earth Skills Semester Program. Wilderness Living, Survival, Buck Skinning, Tanning, Foraging, Wild vegetables, Ash Pack Basket Weaving, Flint and Steal, Skinny Dipping.