All videos for the tag : Friends (3 videos)

  • Naturliebe meets Waldhandwerk 2013 With my Friends Mr. and Mrs. Tito and Michael, on a fine, nice and cool Bushcraft overnighter on our new Bushcraft place. Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: My Channel in german Language: Wild edible plants and berries, Bushcraft, Fire and Survival Skills, tips and tricks, Gear, knives and Items….

  • I found these old files of me and some friends going backpacking in the Kentucky Wilderness a long time ago. So I decided to share some of the experience with you. There was so much footage that I couldn’t get on because one of the cameras malfunctioned during the trip. we camped in the woods,…

  • found on the prepper dome. written by Theresa crouse. this is really common knowledge. still you need to think about these things