All videos for the tag : Hiking (Sport) (31 videos) - page 2

  • Drama began on the second day when Al fell in to a lake, then struggled to get his clothes dry in the wet weather. Better times eventually followed ad the sun finally came out.

  • Follow my new Danger Close Blog at Put Survival Skills 101 in your circles on Google plus at

  • This is a review of the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter. A good water filter could be one of the most important items of survival gear you carry when you go into the wilderness. I believe the Pocket Water Filter from Katadyn is one of the best water filters on the market today! I give this…

  • This is a review of the Altai MF Tactical Boot. It is a light weight and waterproof boot that does well hiking on the trail or pounding pavement. I have worked with the manufacturer to get all Reality Survival viewers a steep discount. If you use the discount code “Reality” you can pick up a…

  • Created a personal day hike, or hunt kit. If i get stuck out there i should be able to get by a few days with this kit. .ALWAYS build your kit with trusted items and to your own skill set. For an upgrade on the shelter , click here

  • The survival gear I carry in my hiking day pack. This is my typical load out for a day hunt, day hike, etc. Besides the emergency survival items, I’ll also have items specific for what I am doing. For instance if I am hunting I will also likely have a bone saw, skinning knives, sharpening…

  • Original footage from my first “big hike” in southern Utah. The 25-day trek took me across one of the longest “pavement free” stretches in the US; approximately from east of Zion to Capitol Reef National Park. Fairly new to long-distance hiking and cross-country travel, I carried WAY too much and didn’t always choose the best…

  • Forest Bush Camp Part 1 – Wilderness Bug Out Location ? Todd from Central Oregon Survival Network and I have been wanting to set up a semi permanent forest bush camp and possible bug out location for a while. We did some map recon and located an area that looked good. This video is of…

  • Fire Starting Kit “survival, hiking, camping, bug out bag” F.S.K. by Central Oregon Survival Network… Good for hiking, camping, survival skills, bug out bag, or just put it in your glove box… For sale on e-bay!!!!!…. Tin 3 3/4 L X 2 3/4 W X 3/4 Thick Weight 4oz 23 items 10 -14 minute fire…

  • Disaster on the mountain! Survival skills kick in to get to safety, and regroup. The mission is now on the edge of failure.

  • James DiMaggio, the man who kidnapped Hannah Anderson was killed very close to my home in Idaho. I did this video before they made their way to Idaho but it serves as more evidence to take your survival skills protection very seriously out in the woods when you hike and camp.

  • Camp Hope. After once being beaten by the rain, a different approach was needed. Back in the mountains, the struggle now focuses on establishing a base camp.