All videos for the tag : knife sharpening (3 videos)

  • Basic product overview and instruction guide for the Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpener.

  • Preparedmind101 and Mantis Outdoors demonstrate two methods for sharpening that work well on scandi ground blades. The Blade Grinder is an optional attachment for the Worksharp Ken Onion Edition. The japanese wetstone is a stone that can produce perfect polished edges, but takes some patience and know-how. SHARPENING SUPPLIES AT PM101 STORE: SHOP AND SUPPORT…

  • A Step-byStep demonstration on a few tools and methods for sharpening knives. There are more than a few ways to sharpen a knife and it is often a hotly contested topic. Take this instruction for what it is, personal advice and a method among many. Be safe and take care. The Blue EDC is a…