All videos for the tag : Maquahuitl (3 videos)

  • This completes the series. The final blades removed from the core are shown, the blades are set into the Maquahuitl and secured with Pine pitch adhesive and the weapon is finished with linseed oil. For more about this weapon check out Paul has done an incredible amount of research on Maquahuitl’s and there are…

  • Part 2 shows how to make the obsidian blades that will provide the cutting edges for the Maquahuitl. An antler tipped chest crutch is used to remove blades from a core. The chect crutch antler tip has been modified from my earlier videos and now has a notch which improves blade removal from the core….

  • This video shows how to make a Maquahutil, also known as an Aztec Sword. This is part 1 of a 3 part series. Part 1 shows the materials and tools needed to make the weapon as well as the shaping, roughing out and smoothing. Next is shown how to make Pine pitch adhesive from pine…