All videos for the tag : North (22 videos)

  • This is a couple of overnighter trips I went on. The only things I took with me that I don’t always have on me was a bow saw blade which I made into a Bucksaw once out there, and my 12 Gauge shotgun for bear protection. I had my sheath knife which I always have…

  • This is a couple of overnighter trips I went on. The only things I took with me that I don’t always have on me was a bow saw blade which I made into a Bucksaw once out there, and my 12 Gauge shotgun for bear protection. I had my sheath knife which I always have…

  • Bushcraft Fishing

    I demo a simple fishing pole that is built in the wilderness from natural materials and a safety pin. I also show you how to use the pole without the safety pin. Also shown is where to find live bait and how to make a quick fish stringer from local materials.

  • A demonstration of where what and how to look for and use rocks that will spark when struck with a piece of high carbon steel such as a carbon steel knife. To catch the spark I’m using Chaga or True Tinder Fungus. Chaga grows on Birch trees and after drying works like charred cloth for…

  • A few tips on what the wilderness provides in the middle of winter that is easily gathered and can be used for survival food.

  • EDIT – 28/12/2012: Since I keep getting asked the same questions, here’s a FAQ: Question: “Why didn’t you use the snow as a water source?” Answer: I did not use the snow because because it wasn’t deep enough to scoop it up. The ground you see at 3:15 is a good overall respresentation of the…

  • In part 2 I’m wandering around trying to get lost and looking for food and resources.

  • This is the intro to day 1 of my survival trip in the North Georgia Mountains filmed mid September 2012. To give back to the you tube community and promote the launch of my website,, I’m spending a few day in the wilderness with limited supplies. This is my first series of videos…

  • Ray przedstawia nam postać geodety odkrywcy, oraz kilka technik przydatnych w dziczy.

  • This video is made up of many different Brown Bear videos that I have personally taken in the wilderness of Alaska over the last 2 years. Placed over the top of the bear videos is audio of tips and advice on wilderness bear safety that I have learned over the many years I have wandered…

  • This video is made up of many different Brown Bear videos that I have personally taken in the wilderness of Alaska over the last 2 years. Placed over the top of the bear videos is audio of tips and advice on wilderness bear safety that I have learned over the many years I have wandered…

  • A Wilderness Pooping Guide

    This is a requested video on the finer points of “taken care of business” while out in the woods. how to go poop in the woods. What to use as toilet paper when none is available. How to prepare or set up for the “job” Where to do the “job” and where not to do…