All videos for the tag : paper (4 videos)

  • A Wilderness Pooping Guide

    This is a requested video on the finer points of “taken care of business” while out in the woods. how to go poop in the woods. What to use as toilet paper when none is available. How to prepare or set up for the “job” Where to do the “job” and where not to do…

  • The Informed Woodsman

    NOTE: As a result of YT forcing us to have a “Google+” account in order to receive notification of or respond to viewer comments, the comment section has been disabled. Here is a link to the DVD Make shelter, tools, weapons, cordage, comfort items and fires. Identify, find and use the best cordage materials….

  • I demonstrate making a compass out of nothing more than a leaf, paperclip, and rock.

  • Using Accelerants to light fires is not a new concept in survival. In a bushcraft, survival or prepping environment, starvation is a distinct probability. Getting a little practice in before hand isent a bad Idea. I continually condition my self for bad situations using everyday techniques. Most of us these days are used to and…