All videos for the tag : Prepper (334 videos) - page 25

  • Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

  • Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

  • The wilderness can supply a product that may help stimulate a person in a time of need to get them through the task that lays before them. That product is spruce pitch. It certainly helps to perk me up at times when I’m running low on steam. Regular commercial modern gum has been proven many…

  • A quick rant about what I do to become one with nature and the animals, some superstitious rantings and what not…

  • Recently my bud from Sweden, Magnus Andersson, made a great video about his 3 favorite pieces of survival gear for surviving in the wilderness (link below). In this video he also asked Mike from Blue Mountain Bushcraft and Outdoors, Bryan from Survival on Purpose, and myself what our 3 favorite pieces of survival gear are….

  • You’ve been telling me to put shoes on for years… Herbalist Doug Simons and Homesteader Marjory Wildcraft, two experienced barefooters, talk about the benefits of going without shoes and what they wear when they need to put something on their feet.

  • How to Tie the Thief Knot

    A step by step guide to tying the Thief Knot ( AKA: Bag Knot or Bread Bag Knot). The Thief Knot is an ancient security Knot that resembles the Square Knot (Reef Knot) except that the terminal ends are on alternate sides. Historically, sailors would secure their belongings in a bag or tote using the…

  • This Quick Tip we show you how to start a fire with the Suunto MC-2 compass and how your kit can be used as a multi-functional resource. Please like, share, and subscribe. GET THIS COMPASS HERE: Website: Twitter: @Black_Scout Facebook: Instagram:

  • A little known trick for tracking and stalking in the South. You’ve never seen anything like it. My Patreon: Bitcoin Address: 1AtaFo7aZkdyNPh6oRGScppDUj7LXBEyFa Join My Facebook Page for Updates:

  • Lonnie crosses a channel of a wild Alaskan river on foot, all the while teaching some key tips that will help to make river or stream crossing safer through a better understanding. In an undertaking such as this, there is no such thing as knowing too much.

  • Survival Tips S3 E2. Snoman explains how he goes about selecting a location for his survival caches. This is the first of a long series titled Basic Self Reliance, in which you’ll learn skills that will give you a mindset of self-reliance.

  • Get it here… 1. The bracelet could be disassembled as rope for making traps, building tents, and in a lot other emergent situations; 2. The scraper works as a fire starter, but could used as a knife as well; 3. The add-on compass feature provides easy safety for navigation while travelling; 4. The built-in whistle…