All videos for the tag : Prepper (334 videos) - page 26

  • During some idle time at camp, Brad reflects on the importance of fire as a survival skill and how it is often overlooked. With this video, we hope to encourage our friends on here to get out there, try making fire in adverse conditions. Try it in the rain, with wet wood, when you’re cold,…

  • Setelah semalaman ber-bivouac sendiri sendiri dimana peserta mengalami langsung stressor stressor survival di hutan, pagi hari ketiga ini mereka belajar tentang bagaimaan mencari Air dan Makanan di belantara. Peserta belajar langsung mengenali tumbuhan tumbuhan yang dapat di makan serta sumber makanan yang lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan karbohidrat dan protein sebagai sumber energy dan mencari sumber…

  • Building a Dakota fire hole in our survival shelter for fire, heat and cooking purposes. Our fire pit will work great at heating our shelter. No more cold freezing nights!

  • Gunshot or any projectile damage can look deceivingly minor on the outside. Learn the ways that bullets cause traumatic wounds. Joe Alton, MD of : where you can find hundreds of Medical Preparedness Education Tweets by preppershow

  • On a cold and wet autumn day I seek out a common type of tinder that can ignite, even in damp conditions. I also gather White Cedar leaves to make one of my favorite wild edible drinks: Cedar Tea.

  • In this episode, our hero returns to the fundamental aspects of the channel name, with a look at preparing the mind for the challenges commonly faced in a survival situation and simple ways to prepared for them. Survival Skills are important, but you have to be in a frame of mind to put them to…

  • You must be prepared for disaster before it strikes. Here are just a few options for making survival more survivable (comfortable) when sheltering in place or bugging-out.

  • This four-part video covers the basic steps that everyone should take to ensure their safety and survival in the event of an emergency, natural or man-made disaster, societal and/or economic collapse or some other catastrophic event. Starting with the most common reasons to be prepared and detailing the fundamental elements and resources to have in…

  • BrayonBushcraft – Top 10 Bushcraft Survival Items – My list of items for a wilderness survival kit or bug out bag which can be used for camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, canoeing or anything outdoors.

  • Building a Survival shelter from a 8×10 Texsport Green tarp. A quick survival shelter in fair to moderate temperatures and wet weather. Stay dry during a storm! Put up this shelter in about 5 minutes from beginning to end.

  • Effectiveness of a fire reflector

  • This four-part video covers the basic steps that everyone should take to ensure their safety and survival in the event of an emergency, natural or man-made disaster, societal and/or economic collapse or some other catastrophic event. Starting with the most common reasons to be prepared and detailing the fundamental elements and resources to have in…