All videos for the tag : primitive (174 videos) - page 3

  • Sleeping in a wool blanket

    Hey guys, this is just a quick video on how to sleep in a wool blanket.

  • EDC Survival Adventure

    Testing myself and my Every Day Carry gear. Get some popcorn, kick back and get set to be entertained at my expense.

  • I show you different videos about common mans bushcraft and woodland skills. My goal is to make woodlore simple and cheap. I do not use alot of expensive gear. Since I want everbody be able to afford bushcraft. That is one of the reasons I call my videos common mans bushcraft. Watch more Videos with…

  • Bow Drill Tips – Step by Step

    This is an old tutorial, I made a much more complete one with up-to-date information ! Visit my website for up to date information ! Bow drill without modern tool, back to stone age ! Hand drill without modern tool, back to stone age ! Bow drill soaked in water ! Friction fire and very…

  • In this primitive skills survival challenge not even the use of a knife is allowed. The only man-made items used were one inner strand of a 5′ section of 550 paracord and a small #6 Aberdeen fish hook. Thanks everyone for the subs, views, comments, and support. I know it’s a long video, but Sarge…

  • Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: Back with a video on YT and back from the Holidays in Eraclea Mare – Venice ; ) in the with a few primitive navigations tools, the one stick method, the shadowstick method, the needle in water method, building and calibrate a sun dial compass, sun, no sun,…

  • Adventures of cavemen.

  • Survival Shelters Swamp Bed

    This video describes how to create a swamp bed with a suspended fireplace made from clay. If you support SIGMA 3 Survival School, then please share like and subscribe. Also please click on ads. Clicking these ads provides us extra revenue to make more and better videos! So please help support us and our move…

  • This video describes how to build an A frame debris AKA the jungle hooch. If you support SIGMA 3 Survival School, then please share like and subscribe. Also please click on ads. Clicking these ads provides us extra revenue to make more and better videos! So please help support us and our move to spread…

  • Cave Shelters can be a quick fix in a survival situation compared to how much energy and time can be consumed with making primitive shelters. There are some dangers associated with this type of shelter, as E2E Team Member Joe Flower instructs in this short training video. Please comment and give you insite to this…

  • Polowanie z użyciem broni prymitywnej, na terenie Polski jest prawnie zabronione. Wiedzę taką można przyswajać w teorii, a od strony praktycznej trenować na atrapach, tarczach, oraz uczyć się wykonywania broni i narzędzi używanych przez dawnych łowców.

  • This completes the series. The final blades removed from the core are shown, the blades are set into the Maquahuitl and secured with Pine pitch adhesive and the weapon is finished with linseed oil. For more about this weapon check out Paul has done an incredible amount of research on Maquahuitl’s and there are…