All videos for the tag : Snakeeaters (42 videos) - page 3

  • Air has a low thermal conductivity but is very mobile. There are thus two elements that are important in protecting from the cold: 1: stopping the wind from penetrating and replacing the layer of warm air close to the body; 2: setting up a layer of still air which serves as insulation, by the use…

  • A 2 mm thick wire rope can be used as emergency replacement for a climbing rope, but it is very dangerous. Try this only as a last resort, when all else fails.

  • This time: The animal fat Burner Things needed: 2 Tin cans, 3 wooden sticks, cotton strip, animal fat, pocket knife, matches or lighter. Some Facts about animal fat: The University of Georgia has been using chicken fat to heat buildings and water on its campus. Animal fat fuels are produced as waste in the slaughtering…

  • If your camp fire threatens to extinguish, a fire booster can it bring back to life. Dry tree resin is such a fire booster.

  • Flood Season Has Arrived. It’s the rainy season and many states are already facing massive floods. Swimming in flood waters can be very dangerous. It should never be done – except your life depends on it. Here are a survival tip to help you prepare for the tough weather. I show you how to use…

  • Tea strainer: improvised Rescue Signaling Technique Signaling for rescue in any survival situation is extremely important. The more signaling ‘know-how’ tactics you have in your “Trick-Bag” the better your chances are of rescue. 1) Stuff the tea strainer with birch bark. 2) Light the Birch bark (wait for a short time, then perform step 3)…

  • This time: Once you get to your bug out location – how will you be living in? Do everything you can to take care of yourself, now more than ever before. Security: Make sure that the rock structure is solid and there are no rocks poised to fall from the roof on you while you’re…

  • Sicherheits-Streichhölzer können in der Wildnis auch ohne die Reibflächen der Streichholzschachtel entzündet werden, vor allem dann wichtig, wenn diese beschädigt oder abgenützt sind. Nützlich ist dabei folgende Information: Streichhölzer entzünden in etwa bei 80 °C. Durch Reibung von Holz auf Holz läßt sich diese Hitze leicht erzeugen; zur Anwendung kommt dabei die Feuerpflug-Technik. Beachte: Streichholzkopf…

  • How to improvise a compass from a video tape. Today’s magnetic tape is composed of three main layers: the base film, the magnetic layer, and the back coating. The base film provides the physical support and main strength of the tape. The magnetic layer determines the tape’s magnetic properties. It is composed of magnetic powders,…

  • When you think of planning a bike ride, generally you just think about what you will need, to get from one point to the next point. As a survival cyclist, you plan to use the bike as a tool for survival when circumstances may not be predictable. Here i show you a important survival technique….

  • Soldier emergency tinder. Snipers, combat medics, even Mantracker carry the same good fire tinder with themselves. Few of them know it. (repost)