All videos for the tag : survival tips (56 videos) - page 4

  • An introduction to survival shelter building with John “Lofty” Wiseman and Trueways Survival School. Check out our course dates and you can join us.

  • In this video i show some tips on how to save your Tarp Gromets from windy conditions and some tips for a Survival Shelter.

  • Shelter is very location dependent on the time of year, and your location very different survival kits might be desert survival, jungle survival, sea survival and winter survival you survival kit should take this into account

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  • Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: We definitely got a nice water source here. If we had to leave here and go some place where we didn’t know whether there was water, how may we go about taking water with us? Well, there are several ways that we could transport water without…

  • In this episode – Autumn Aesthetics, Fireweed Tinder (Chamerion angustifolium), Western Red Cedar Embernest, Igniting char-cloth with the Fire-Piston, WILDERNESS FEAST! Eating Agaricus bisporus (Button Mushrooms), Lycoperdon perlatum (Common Puffball), Rosehips (Rosa Canina), Calvatia gigantea (Giant Puffball), Macrolepiota procera (Parasol Mushroom), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), Making bread from scratch with wild wheat with a chartin, tinfoil…

  • Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: So we’re kind of walking through the woods and looking for things that we use to spend the night out. And as you’re walking through you’re looking for all the different resources you might have. A great spot to spend the night, maybe some good firewood,…

  • Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: To purify water, one of the ways that you can purify it is to take rocks, hot rocks, and grabbing them from the fire with your tongs, cleaning them off and then picking them up, and putting them in your water. So I clean them off…

  • Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: We’ll take our fish out, dip it in this bowl. And the cutting board is a piece of cedar. I had another little knife I made. We can use this to cut through our fish, right here behind this gill. We’re going to take off his…

  • Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: There are many ways to cook our fish. We could just lay it in the coals. We can take a couple sticks, lay them over the coals, and put our fish right over, so that it’s not totally burning on the fire, but it’s getting enough…

  • Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: As I get boiling water in here, what I’m going to do is take some of these rocks out and replace it with an egg. This is going to be how to boil your eggs. You want to boil for, I don’t know, three minutes or…

  • Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: Water is one of the big five most important things that you’re going to need to have if you’re out in a wilderness situation. Lack of water, dehydration, or hypernatremia as it’s being referred to now is very, very problematic and one of the things that…