All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 108

  • Passend zum Start der dritten und brandneuen Staffel von ALONE zeigt euch unser Survival- und Bushcraft-Experte Fritz Meinecke in seinen Videos ein paar Tricks, die am besten auch alle Kandidaten von ALONE kennen sollten, bevor HISTORY sie in die Wildnis schickt. In diesem Video lernt ihr, wie ihr auch in der Wildnis ein Dach über…

  • cooking on the beach, and natural cord bow drill,

  • На сайте Aliexpress я заказал вот такую штуку! Это хорошее решение для походов! ———————————————————————————————————– покупал здесь: cashback:

  • | Get ready for fun and adventure! Join an esteemed naturalist for the six episode web series: Extreme Wilderness Pro with Jerry Loven! Learn about nature and wilderness survival in the Pacific Northwest. Produced by Four Rest Films Written by Todd Brabander Directed & Edited by Dustin Erickson Camera Operators Carly Taylor Dustin Erickson…

  • After a month of struggling with moisture, the colder weather provides a greater level of comfort as the Trek draws to a close. Time to reflect, but nothing is over until the very end, with a surprise reunion, an the completion of more than one journey.

  • Survival Shelters are simple, effective and should take no time to set up. They are emergency shelters for folks with emergent skill level in the woods and therefore should be easy to construct and designed to keep people alive until they can get out of nature and back into domestication. Survival Shelters, or Emergent Skill…

  • Off we go on a 3 day treck into the wilderness. We are departing as soon as I finish this. See ya all later.I

  • ONLINE DISTANCE LEARNING – FREE WEEK LONG TRIAL!! R.C.I. Official Training Gear – Merchandise & DVD Packages! Yojimbo Fight Gear – by Luke Holloway Luke Holloway Founder of Raw Combat International Personal Security & Survival Advisor See official site here: AFFILIATION & INSTRUCTOR PROGRAMS AVAILABLE SEMINARS WORLD WIDE!!! Join our FACEBOOK…

  • Semi Survival Trip, Day 1

    Off we go! We are heading down to the Illinois River in Southern Oregon. It is hot and dry. We spent the whole first day swimming. We also catch a bullfrog to eat and since we are still full from Taco Bell, we tie him up and save him for the next day. Then we…

  • Soldier emergency tinder. Snipers, combat medics, even Mantracker carry the same good fire tinder with themselves. Few of them know it. (repost)

  • The bark of the wild cherry tree is a traditional Native American remedy. However, the bark still has another value: it helps you to kindle a fire. The wild cherry tree bark burns about 3 times longer, than birch bark. This is helpful if you are forced to kindle a fire under wet weather conditions,…

  • Survival Instructors Mike Douglas and Mike DiMauro from the Maine Primitive Skills School are asked what’s in your back yard by videographer Zach Whalen. Outdoor education and increased nature literacy help them define what they see in their own “back yard”. .