All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 69

  • looking .. its easy ..

  • How to filter and purify water in the jungle – tips and tricks.

  • We are in need of an ax for projects that require more than a stone knife. This is our quest for making a primitive ax. Here’s some pics of our “red clay” survival trip we posted on Paleoplanet Part 1 Part 2

  • Our good friend Bobby Plude () taught us a great technique for setting up a ridgeline, quick and effectively.

  • Making a bone bladed knife from an elk leg bone. The handle is from a deer leg, hafted with a mixture of pine pitch, charcoal and processed plant fiber. The hafting is elk sinew and the handle is wrapped with yucca rope coated with hide glue. For those of you wondering how sharp a bone…

  • Short video series showing the basics of net making, from the tools and equipment used to the making of two simple net styles

  • Mors Kochanski teaching the construction of a simple winter lean-to shelter for overnighting in the Canadian wilderness, for use when conditions are unsuitable for the construction of snow shelters. Not sure of the date for this video, I think its probably early 90’s Techniques for building the shelter, bed and fire are demonstrated with minimum…

  • Mors Kochanski teaching the construction of a simple winter lean-to shelter for overnighting in the Canadian wilderness, for use when conditions are unsuitable for the construction of snow shelters. Not sure of the date for this video, I think its probably early 90’s Techniques for building the shelter, bed and fire are demonstrated with minimum…

  • Mors Kochanski teaching the construction of a simple winter lean-to shelter for overnighting in the Canadian wilderness, for use when conditions are unsuitable for the construction of snow shelters. Not sure of the date for this video, I think its probably early 90’s Techniques for building the shelter, bed and fire are demonstrated with minimum…

  • In the 1860s a small band of native Indians provided the finest demonstration of the military value of survival skills. Follow in the footsteps of the tenacious war leader Geronimo, exploring the skills his people employed to stay alive at a time when every hand turned against them. Get this series of videos and more…

  • Mora Bushcraft Survival
  • DONT LIKE DEAD THINGS? THEN DONT WATCH!! Finally! Now what? Dealing with dead diggers. Moral of the story: Check your traps often, especially in the summer. My rock may have been a bit too big.. Kersplatt!! Well, it has been interesting and quite a learning process!