All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 75

  • Nezapomeňte ohněm vyhřát komín, aby měl tah, to znamená hodit něco hořícího zezhora do komína.

  • Consturuction of a Wikkiup Shelter. The initial subframe is used whilst still attached to the tree and hopefully will stay alive and keep growing. The idea behind this is that in time the living stems will get stronger and tighter. This video is to be continued.

  • Created on October 16, 2010

  • How to…make a Hobo stove! HD

    After I saw Dale Calder’s video of his Hobo stove, I just had to make one myself…my hobo stove 2 video…

  • Primitive Skills Instructor shares wild foraging for edibles and medicinals at the Maine Primitive Skills School.

  • htp://shilohtv.comTrail Boss Steve Doran explains how the rule of three’s works and how you put it to work in any outdoor situation. For the full article go to

  • The other day I received a Suunto A-10 from This past weekend my son and I were out checking on the deer feeders. So I thought it was a good time to check out this new compass.

  • The 2nd half of day 2 and day 3. We really didnt do a whole bunch. We did a lot of swimming, hiking and being lazy. At times the forest fire made it so smokey we couldnt see the hills around us. I make a failed attempt to cut a bow stave. Pretty much NO…

  • Day 2and a half… We eat our frog, dodge snakes and trudge through the barren wasteland. We are living off blackberries and frog meat. We decide to move upriver to better hunting grounds and to find another swimming hole before we bake to death in the blazing sun.

  • Request from a friend in Järnboås Sweden. He wanted me to make a Fire & Tinder box and demo! how to use the kit. Watch more Videos with ungnaturkraft at I show you different videos about #common mans #bushcraft and woodland #skills. My goal is to make #woodlore simple and cheap. I do not use…

  • Semi Survival Trip, Day 1

    Off we go! We are heading down to the Illinois River in Southern Oregon. It is hot and dry. We spent the whole first day swimming. We also catch a bullfrog to eat and since we are still full from Taco Bell, we tie him up and save him for the next day. Then we…