All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 97

  • Consturuction of a Wikkiup Shelter. The initial subframe is used whilst still attached to the tree and hopefully will stay alive and keep growing. The idea behind this is that in time the living stems will get stronger and tighter. This video is to be continued.

  • Gunshot or any projectile damage can look deceivingly minor on the outside. Learn the ways that bullets cause traumatic wounds. Joe Alton, MD of : where you can find hundreds of Medical Preparedness Education Tweets by preppershow

  • Building a Dakota fire hole in our survival shelter for fire, heat and cooking purposes. Our fire pit will work great at heating our shelter. No more cold freezing nights!

  • Forest Bush Camp Part 1 – Wilderness Bug Out Location ? Todd from Central Oregon Survival Network and I have been wanting to set up a semi permanent forest bush camp and possible bug out location for a while. We did some map recon and located an area that looked good. This video is of…

  • and invited to the cool and nice WildnisFest im Saarland. Danke für die geniale Zeit! Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: With: Joe Vogel, Wildnistraining Markus Handdrill Marco: and many others. Burning spoons, handdrill, bowdrill, bushcraft survival courses. Archery, climbing, leather work, wild cooking, Wildnis Treffen im Saarland. primitive skills man men women…

  • This time: Improvised Oil lamp, based on the Kudlik (Inuit lamp, originally with a stone base, lit by whale or seal oil. The Kudlik was used for heat, melting snow, cooking and drying clothes). . Sardines can: The oil (olive oil) is of course useful energy when consumed, but it can provide an emergency heat…

  • Fire Starting Kit “survival, hiking, camping, bug out bag” F.S.K. by Central Oregon Survival Network… Good for hiking, camping, survival skills, bug out bag, or just put it in your glove box… For sale on e-bay!!!!!…. Tin 3 3/4 L X 2 3/4 W X 3/4 Thick Weight 4oz 23 items 10 -14 minute fire…

  • Compass with fire starter,whistle, flashlight, magnify glass and weather station. Check out our website:

  • Disaster on the mountain! Survival skills kick in to get to safety, and regroup. The mission is now on the edge of failure.

  • The largest annual UK gathering of people with an interest in Bushcraft & survival skills takes place in September in Wiltshire. Andrew meets some of the instructors, learns a few new skills and finds out what attracts people to the woods.

  • Winter Survival shelters, like the quinzee and other primitive skills and survival shelters, rely on slowing the air exchange between warmed interior air and the cold air outside. Come to a course to learn more!

  • I recently spent a week teaching primitive skills at Sigma 3 Survival School. Here are some highlights of all the fun we had. Thanks to Jeff, Dan, Jackie, and Matt. Special thanks to Robert and Jeremiah. Love you guys