All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 99

  • You must be prepared for disaster before it strikes. Here are just a few options for making survival more survivable (comfortable) when sheltering in place or bugging-out.

  • Okan Hungry Wolf presents a Winter Super Survival Shelter, west of Cremona, Alberta, Canada.

  • Winter Overnight Camping using excellent Bushcraft/Survival Skills such as shelter construction, knife skills, bucksaw, trapping, and wool clothing selection for bitter cold.

  • The 2nd half of day 2 and day 3. We really didnt do a whole bunch. We did a lot of swimming, hiking and being lazy. At times the forest fire made it so smokey we couldnt see the hills around us. I make a failed attempt to cut a bow stave. Pretty much NO…

  • Get Craig’s New Book, Extreme Wilderness Survival, here: Critical thnking skills under stress are vitally important during wilderness survival related events. NRS Director Craig Caudill takes you along as he creates a scenario and thinks out loud on how he would handle himself. Join us for a class! NRS Website Carbon TV Ambassador Link Instagram…

  • Michael Douglas, Director of the Maine Primitive Skills School talks with the Schools Botanist and Author of the Book, “Ancestral Plants” about wild edibles, foraging, and wildcrafting for food, medicine, and survival.

  • A New Years Camp Part 2

    My first trip of the new year to an ancient woodland in Kent. Testing a few new items I have had for a few months and some new gear from Xmas. Rucksack – Vango Contour 65-10 Sleeping bag – Marmot Never winter bag 600+ fill

  • The Bear Grylls’ team of experts gives a crash course on the basics of survival: the rule of threes, crossing difficult terrain, tying knots and using knifes safely. For more videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

  • Found this super shelter in the woods -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Car dwelling how to sleep in your car” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

  • Evasion bug out bag. Let´s say you are isolated in hostile or unfriendly territory and try to avoid capture – with the goal to return to friendly areas. You are challenged by the elements, terrain, hostile military forces and the local populace. You should carry evasion aids on your person, because isolation is usually sudden…

  • Power Blackout! Here’s a way to lighten up the situation: The “All in One” Survival Lantern. The key to it is a butane cigarette lighter! Cheap, simple and effective. Tell Us What You Think: How would you prepare in order to survive a long-term blackout?

  • This time: How to shelter under evasion conditions. For resting or sleeping you may need to seek a Shelter. But keep in mind: Concealment, not personal comfort is your primary concern-. You must select secure areas for refuge to avoid detection by the enemy. Another factor you must consider (since evaders are also survivors), is…