All videos for the tag : tips & tricks (4 videos)

  • We build a very simple wilderness shelter frame in this video. We start by constructing two Amazing Wilderness Camp Chair frames, install one cross beam and the basic frame is complete. Add a waterproof tarp and your done. To learn how to build an Amazing Wilderness Camp Chair click here: To learn how to make…

  • – This is a video response to Dave Canterbury’s videos about how to start fire with all wet material. I preface the video saying that I mean no disrespect, I’m just answering a question he wasn’t asked yet. Basically, I’m showing if everything, even your tinder, was soaked howto get flame and keep your fire…

  • Staying with the survival kit theme, here a few of the many ways to use a survival blanket.

  • True Potato Seed

    This clip is from volume 4 of The Science of Propagation series. True Potato Seed(TPS) is harvested from the fruit of the potato called a “potato apple”. This seed can be cleaned, dried and then planted to develop new kinds of potatoes. By growing potatoes from TPS we can increase genetic diversity and develop disease…