All videos for the tag : Weaving (7 videos)

  • Video showing how to build a survival shelter from willow – watch in HD. Willow is an awesome material to use in bushcraft projects and I really enjoyed making this video. Hope you enjoy watching it. I will be making a fish trap from willow in an upcoming video so watch out for that one…

  • Fish trap weaving and catching fish. This video starts with explanation of how to weave a fish basket (or any basket) and then I use a GoPro to show it catching fish. Great survival tool!! Skip to 9:15 to watch it in action. Creating these videos is a blast…but can also be limited by $$…if…

  • Clear instructions, useful tips, and mildly entertaining! Maybe. This video tutorial shows you just how easy it is to make a 550 paracord survival bracelet, using the versatile Blaze Bar knot. I also reveal useful tips along that way, which I have learned over the past few years while making many hundreds of bracelets. How…

  • In this video we take grass like plant fibers and weave them into a primitive camp bed for use with a natural shelter. This can provide us with warmth and comfort when practicing Bushcraft or Survival Skills. This is a very simple method of weaving and with enough fibers it will comfortably support your body…

  • Learn how to make blankets, mats, pillows, and even clothing with a primitive wilderness loom. In this section we’ll actually weave a mat that we can sit or sleep on.

  • making a basket out of elm tree bark and elm tree branches, good for nut’s or fruit and berry, Camping tips.

  • Wilderness Education

    Jens Rasmussen Hosts the Jack Mountain Earth Skills Semester Program. Wilderness Living, Survival, Buck Skinning, Tanning, Foraging, Wild vegetables, Ash Pack Basket Weaving, Flint and Steal, Skinny Dipping.