All videos for the tag : Wilderness Camping (3 videos)


    In the fall of 2013, a friend and I set out to canoe the lakes of Killarney Provincial Park, for the first time during the cooler months of the year. We had only been in the park during the summer months. I also had a vision of creating a short film on the essence of…

  • A wild camp that I did with my brother in law Riley. We spent nearly two full days in the woods exploring, building a pole lean to, and we also did some survival fishing. Great bushcraft outing, enjoy. Dave, BC Bushcraft [My Channel] ————————————————————————————————- BC Bushcraft, BCBushcraft, Bushcraft BC, Canadian Bushcraft, Bushcraft Canada, Canadian Bushcraft…

  • This is the gear I have tested and use, Myself, my Son and my Son in law will do a in the field use vid this April of all our gear during a 2 day backwoods trip.