The Best Water Filter. Period! Katadyn Pocket Ceramic Water Filter

This is a review of the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter. A good water filter could be one of the most important items of survival gear you carry when you go into the wilderness. I believe the Pocket Water Filter from Katadyn is one of the best water filters on the market today! I give this filter a 10 out of 10 stars and would personally recommend purchasing one if you want a high quality micro water filter that is simple to use and maintain and is extremely reliable and well built! If you would like more information on the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter you can go to at: use the coupon code “realitysurvival” to receive 5% off of any item on the whole site.

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Welcome to the Reality Survival Channel! On this survival channel I teach a full range of emergency Wilderness Survival Skills and Urban Survival Skills, as well as Primitive Survival Skills. My goal is to educate folks on real world survival tips and survival techniques that cover the gambit of emergency Wilderness Survival, Urban Survival, Primitive Survival, Bushcraft, Disaster Preparedness ( Prepping ) & more. I also do Outdoor Gear Reviews on Survival Kits, Survival Gear, Survival Knives, Guns, Bug Out Bag Gear & just about any kind of Every Day Carry (EDC) Gear & disaster preparedness or prepping gear. I am a prepper & also do some DIY & How to videos on prepping as well as teaching different Survival skills, bushcraft skills, & prepper or prepping skills to help you sort out what really works & what doesn’t. I learned wilderness survival skills when I was a Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE) Wilderness Survival Instructor for the USAF about 15 years ago (class 97-02). On the Reality Survival Channel you will typically see a mix of survival & prepping & gear review videos each week. I usually upload at least one survival skill video, one gear review video, one prepping video every week. Typically uploads happen on Wed, Sat & Sun mornings.

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Who am I? I ( JJ Johnson ) am a former active duty USAF SERE Instructor. What is a SERE Instructor ? SERE stands for Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape. Basically it was a position that taught combat Wilderness Survival techniques to USAF aircrew members in the mountains North of Spokane Washington near Fairchild AFB. I am also the owner and author of . I have worked for the DoD in various positions for about 17 years now. I am an avid outdoorsman, hunter, shooter, and gear reviewer, a prepper, a Christian and a conservative constitutionalist.

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