All videos in category Entertainment (265 videos) - page 19

  • How to Tie the Square Knot

    A step by step guide to tying the Square Knot ( AKA: Reef Knot, Hercules Knot, Common Knot, Flat Knot, Hard Knot, Regular Knot, String Tie Knot or True Knot). The Square Knot, is an ancient and simple binding knot used to weakly connect two ropes of equal diameter and material to each other. Although…

  • A Primitive Fish Trap build utilizing a waterfall and natural stone. See how it is done and what it catches. Disclaimer: This trap was built for educational purposes only and is not a suitable or sustainable method of catching aquatic life. The building of such traps is not advisable as it can negatively impact the…

  • Passend zum Start der dritten und brandneuen Staffel von ALONE zeigt euch unser Survival- und Bushcraft-Experte Fritz Meinecke in seinen Videos ein paar Tricks, die am besten auch alle Kandidaten von ALONE kennen sollten, bevor HISTORY sie in die Wildnis schickt. In diesem Video lernt ihr, wie ihr am besten ein Grubenfeuer entfacht. Das Survival-Format…

  • This’ll show you how to correctly identify and dig up wild onions in the south. Wild onion is one of the easiest foraging plants to identify and harvest. The wild onion is edible in its entirety from bulb to flower petal. By cooking the onions complex carbohydrates apart an additional 9X calories can be made…

  • Bushcraft Breakfast

    (This video is viewable in 1080p) (Music from – ) FOLKS! In this video, I get out into the woods and practice a bit with my axe and knife. I was able to build my first, 1 stick fire as well as cook up a great breakfast. The video is for Zed, and his 10k…

  • How to Skin and Cook Gopher

    This’ll show you how to field dress and campfire cook GOPHER. Gophers are not exactly common fare as far as I can tell, though the posting of this video might change a few minds in this. In this video I’ll be gutting, skinning, and cooking by primitive means a Pocket Gopher. Videos demonstrating the trapping…

  • The Bear Grylls’ team of experts gives a crash course on the basics of survival: the rule of threes, crossing difficult terrain, tying knots and using knifes safely. For more videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

  • Ever wonder what hunters do with the Dove? This is a start to finish tutorial on how to field dress and cook a Dove using primitive means. Disclaimer: An animal was killed in the making of this video. This was done for educational reasons and consumed for food. The dove was harvested in a responsible…

  • A little known trick for tracking and stalking in the South. You’ve never seen anything like it. My Patreon: Bitcoin Address: 1AtaFo7aZkdyNPh6oRGScppDUj7LXBEyFa Join My Facebook Page for Updates:

  • This’ll show you how to primitively cook fish over a fire. When utensils and other common kitchen amenities are not to be found, this method of cooking your catch can have you eating your “Chicken of the Sea” in no time. This is Method one with the head on using Perch. Additional methods will be…

  • (BTS) Basics of Survival

    WATCH Basics of Survival ► __________________________________________________ MORE Behind the Scenes: MORE Comedy Sketches: Instagram: Snapchat: Click the card on the video to find more:) Thanks For Watching, if you liked the video, check out our channel to find more. You guys are a great audience and we hope to keep making…

  • How to Tie the Thief Knot

    A step by step guide to tying the Thief Knot ( AKA: Bag Knot or Bread Bag Knot). The Thief Knot is an ancient security Knot that resembles the Square Knot (Reef Knot) except that the terminal ends are on alternate sides. Historically, sailors would secure their belongings in a bag or tote using the…