All videos in category Travel & Events (97 videos) - page 6
School in the Woods Chief Instructor Doug Getgood spent a year living alone in a cabin in the Northern wilderness of Ontario, Canada. This is his record of that year.
Buy here: This duffle is an excellent value compared to anything similar on the market! Easy to load and haul, spacious, water resistant, and tough. This versatile bag is perfect for any adventure. Our Price:$49.99
W tym odcinku Ray opowie historie mało znanego lecz zasłużonego pioniera Samual’a Hearne’a.
The Elementary Wilderness Bushcraft course is an immersive, challenging yet enjoyable programme of learning in the woods that develops a broad base of bushcraft skills. This video gives an overview of what to expect from the Elementary Wilderness Bushcraft course. For more information, please see the full course description via the link below:
Ray przemierza Kanadę poznając tamtejszą kulturę i ludzi, którzy żyją tam na co dzień.
I always carry to compasses for security, but what can you do if you dont have a compass? Let me show you how to build an improvised compass in the Jungle with every day items.
Ray Mears takes us on a nature walkabout through the boreal forest of Canada, with insights on the flora and fauna of this incredible environment. Ray can be seen wearing the Swazi/Ray Mears Tahr Anorak in this clip, which can be found here: This clip was taken from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Northern…
Stone Age “Primitive” makes fire from dried grasses in less than two minutes! (From Jerome Hamlin’s 2011 SoPac II Coelacanth Reconnaissance Expedition. See (nano doc)
Part 2 of snippets from a week with Mors Kochanski, author of “Bushcraft” and renowned teacher.
Snippets from a week with the 71 yr old author of “Bushcraft”, Mors Korchanski, who taught from the time he awoke until late at night around the fire.
Hiking one of the greatest trails of Utah (and in the world). Starting from the Fortymile Ridge trailhead, descending into Coyote Gulch through Crack-in-the-Wall, with views to Stevens Arch and passing by Cliff Arch, Coyote Natural Bridge, Jacob Hamblin Arch, exiting the trail at Redwell. Recorded October 2011 in HD with Panasonic TM900. Music: Patricia…
Ray Mears rulez. This time he show you how to live in wildreness of North America.