Survival Basics - page 186

  • Battery fire lighting. If you are carrying arms you can use the gunpowder from a round to help ignite your tinder.

  • The bark of the wild cherry tree is a traditional Native American remedy. However, the bark still has another value: it helps you to kindle a fire. The wild cherry tree bark burns about 3 times longer, than birch bark. This is helpful if you are forced to kindle a fire under wet weather conditions,…

  • Can’t afford a high priced pack? Or perhaps you just want to go “ultralight”. How does a 4 pound self contained kit sound? You remember the old movies.. where the cowboys had their “bedrolls”? Let’s look at how to make a bedroll and see what all can go into it..

  • This time: Charcoal as Survival Medicine. Diarrhoea will normally develop as a result of consuming contaminated food or water. Diarrhoea is detected when the number of daily bowel movements increases by the factor of two or more, the stools being soft and watery. A small amount of charcoal slurry will settle the stomach as charcoal…

  • Explanation and presentation of various fire starting tools. Fire is essential to staying alive in a survival situation. There are many ignition options for fire making. For wilderness survival some are clearly better than others. Fire provides warmth in cold weather, allows you to boil and purify water, cook food, boosts moral in a scary…

  • Basic Camp Fire Skills Everyone Should Know In Case Of An Unexpected Emergency Situation. This fire was made with minimal tools, only a knife, and firesteel. Other processing tools like a saw, or an axe, would be an excellent option to have. Chances are most people would not have them in an unexpected survival scenerio….

  • A new series about survival and enjoying the great outdoors. We show what to eat on the beach, in hedges and the woods.Filmed in South Wales, UK.

  • Improvised Camp Lantern (part two) – extremely simple.

  • Can’t afford a high priced pack? Or perhaps you just want to go “ultralight”. How does a 4 pound self contained kit sound? You remember the old movies.. where the cowboys had their “bedrolls”? Let’s look at how to make a bedroll and seev what all can go into it..

  • This time: The animal fat Burner Things needed: 2 Tin cans, 3 wooden sticks, cotton strip, animal fat, pocket knife, matches or lighter. Some Facts about animal fat: The University of Georgia has been using chicken fat to heat buildings and water on its campus. Animal fat fuels are produced as waste in the slaughtering…

  • Double-covered shelters consist of two plastic sheets separated by a layer of air. Double covering has a major benefit over single covering (where there’s just one cover of plastic sheet and no air layer): Keeps warm air in, meaning your emergency shelter is better insulated. Double covering prevents heat transfer by convection. The trapped air…

  • Rose hips will can be eaten as a winter survival food. If in case you find yourself having colds and flu while out in the wild, this can serve as your natural medication. Check out my books: