Survival Basics - page 191

  • This video is just an overview of everything that I keep in my survival pack. The materials in here are by no means for a bug out bag, it is just so if I get lost I can hopefully be rescued and not recovered. I know there are a lot of things I should have…

  • found on the prepper dome. written by Theresa crouse. this is really common knowledge. still you need to think about these things

  • A one credit class at Greenfield Community College. Here creative students have found a way to make a hinged door for their debris shelter.

  • my survivlal guide

  • Video for an environmental research project at Juniata College.

  • Outdoor Survival Skills, debris hut, primitive shelters, survival shelter, basic survival skills.

  • Survival Basics

    Hello, my name is Emily and this is my personal project for the MYP. I decided to create a video with the basics of survival in order to educate more people on the subject. I saw in my daily life that not many people have much knowledge about this subject anymore and it caused me…

  • Outdoor Survival Skills, debris hut, primitive shelters, survival shelter, basic survival skills.

  • Join us on July 26th for a Georgia Jeepers Survival Basics Class. Watch the video for more info about our upcoming event. Visit our website:

  • A slightly more adventurous camping with three young men while teaching bushcraft and survival skills. We covered tri-pod lashings, 5 min fire drill, survival theory & mentality, construction of frog gig, a primitive fishing method, and construction of a smoke generator. Course is designed to have an enjoyable camping trip while learning some very basics…

  • This is a small match box that contains some useful items. The box contains waterproofed matches, a cardboard gnomon (that’s the part of a sundial that casts the shadow), and a compass in the form of a magnetized sewing needle stuck through a small piece of foam. The sundial must be oriented north to work,…

  • Dalam Basic Survival Course batch II yang diadakan Survival Skills Indonesia ini, salah satu yang diajarkan adalah mendapatkan makanan di mana makanan adalah prioritas survival yang terakhir namun dalam pelaksanaannya dibutuhkan pengetahuan yang cukup, management energi yang efisien, kejelian, ketelitian dan ketekunan. Mencari makanan di belantara juga mengandung resiko, misalnya untuk tumbuhan, ada banyak tumbuhan…