All videos for the tag : altoids (5 videos)
“Stove Secrets” (E6) – How to make a pocket sized wood burning stove that is very effective, ultra compact, and burns both natural materials as well as Esbit or other fuel tabs. This homemade wood burning stove, made with a good ol’ Altoids Tin, not only breaks down to make for an easily portable &…
I know YouTube is packed full of these vids, but I thought I would do my own to show you guys my spin on a PSK. A lot of the space-saving ideas in this kit were thought of by myself through experimentation with other PSK’s. Hope you guys enjoy this information and can incorporate it…
NO NONSENSE ITEMS!! Putting together a mini pocket survival kit with stuff that can really help you in a survival situation.
Visit for info on Tony’s survival books or courses. In dry, cool weather, a pine-needle bed is an excellent way to stay warm if lost. We have used these “beds” below freezing in the mountains of northern Arizona.
All the basics you need. If you would add or take anything I encourage suggestions! Please subscribe