All videos for the tag : Cabin (56 videos) - page 5

  • LESSONS FROM A LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS. How to “bug out” and still live a good life. Build a survival camp, live off the land and off the grid. Live the self-reliance lifestyle. Choose a location. Find a perennial spring or stream. Set up a temporary shelter. Bring in a supply cache. Cut trees. Build…

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  • this is how to make usable cordage out of soda bottles you find in the wild

  • Hey everybody! Check out my brothers YouTube channel! for some sweet Australian adventures! Want some awesome survival gear? Checkout and use the code “LUKAS” for 10% off of your purchase! Here is my log cabin! It has been a couple years in the making and I an happy I am able to share it with…

  • The fire-thong is primarily used by indigenous people in Southeast Asia. This is a demonstration of the construction and use of a Rattan Fire -Thong. (as a note: I sped-up the video during the time i was blowing the tinder into flame to save you time) Please subscribe: Facebook: Instagram: WildSurvivalSkills After a few decades…

  • Subscribe For My Survival Fedora!

  • Order plans here: Ty-Dean Customs LLC Teardrop Camper Plans. A brief picture show of the construction process of our teardrop camper design. Visit my web site for more info: or

  • How to have a home with no house payments and no monthly utility bills! This is an introduction to simple solar homesteading that provides information on how to find cheap land, build an inexpensive home, and use solar power to eliminate monthly utility bills. What would you do if you had no house payment and…