All videos for the tag : fail (3 videos)

  • If you have never stepped off the sidewalk and never been camping, fishing, hunting, wild food forage, made a campfire, cooked, have no navigation skills, or any skills besides armchairing on a computer and refusing to study survival and wilderness living, you should not go into the wilderness to live – bad and dangerous idea.

  • For more info and photos visit: After taking part in some online discussions, I realised that a lot of people didn’t actually understand what feather sticks are all about. The problem became apparent under a picture showing someone batoning with their knife. As always, I took a stance defending batoning as a viable method of…

  • Survival Fire In a Rain Forest Part 1 – First Fail – Wilderness Survival Fire Starting with a Fire Steel. Starting a fire in a rain forest is a bit more difficult that starting a fire in the desert areas I’m more commonly in. But in my quest to continue developing my wilderness survival skills…