All videos for the tag : Kit (81 videos) - page 2
Check out this NEW Mini (14 lb.) Bug Out Bag – EDC – Survival Kit – YOU Can Build and Take with You Anywhere! This is a CORE 1 kit that you can build on and expand to a full sized Bug Out Bag or Emergency Kit. Includes: Weapons, Shelter, Fire, Water, Food, First Aid,…
WOW! Best Wilderness / Bushcraft Survival Knife? – David Discovers Habilis Bushtool Survival Knife
29713510:34I Recently Stumbled on one of the BEST Bushcraft / Survival Knives that I’ve EVER Seen. My jaw about hit the FLOOR when I realized what I was looking at… and I Knew I Had to Share this Really Sweet Bushcraft / Survival Tool with You! So here it is…my full interview with Steven… the…
LESSONS FROM A LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS. How to “bug out” and still live a good life. Build a survival camp, live off the land and off the grid. Live the self-reliance lifestyle. Choose a location. Find a perennial spring or stream. Set up a temporary shelter. Bring in a supply cache. Cut trees. Build…
I prefer non-hokey, reliable outdoor gear. When TCE is limited, that’s expecially true. When it’s time to make a fire I don’t consider it a recreational exercise, I just want to get a blaze fast with the least amount of work. Allie the Mountain Dog and I up are up at the high altitudes to…
Want to make your own stormproof matches? Here is an instructional video Fire Steel: Firemaking can be easy if done right. Lilly´s Amazon Store: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google+: Subscribe/Donate for more adventures
Check out and follow my blog for more in depth information on this review, and on other guns, gear, shooting, hunting and the outdoors! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////////////////////////// In this video I detail how I prioritize tasks based on situation when setting up a camp. This could be applied to a survival situation, or anytime you find yourself…
This is my video of the excellent survival kit as described by Cody Lundin in his book, 98.6 degrees. It contains the modifications I have made, which work with my gear system. Be sure to get his book, it has a wealth of information that could save your life!
Ray Mears is in West Mongolia looking at how they build their nomadic shelters.