All videos for the tag : Knife (175 videos) - page 15

  • and invited to the cool and nice WildnisFest im Saarland. Danke für die geniale Zeit! Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: With: Joe Vogel, Wildnistraining Markus Handdrill Marco: and many others. Burning spoons, handdrill, bowdrill, bushcraft survival courses. Archery, climbing, leather work, wild cooking, Wildnis Treffen im Saarland. primitive skills man men women…

  • A full guide to enjoying the outdoors Who is the Presenter? Andrew Price has spent every spare moment in the pursuit of Adventure. He is an experienced practitioner of a wide range of outdoor pursuits including Kayaking, Cycling, Rock Climbing, and Mountaineering. He is also passionate about the Dramatic Arts, graduating with a Degree in…

  • Solo Overnighter in the Alps, without sleeping gear. Test, train and practice your Survival Skills. Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: Stay warm in high altitudes, tips and tricks, great scenery, awesome views, long hike. Self-selected emergency bivouac Selbst gewähltes Not Biwak

  • Wilderness Camp Design

    Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

  • For more info and photos visit: After taking part in some online discussions, I realised that a lot of people didn’t actually understand what feather sticks are all about. The problem became apparent under a picture showing someone batoning with their knife. As always, I took a stance defending batoning as a viable method of…

  • NativeSurvival Community Channel: The gathering place of the core NS followers and friends; join us in giveaways, challenges and chatting in comments of vids. Website: Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

  • Wilderness rocks hiking in the Alps plus talking about survival skills all hikers need while hiking on a hike. 😀 The last Europe video. Videos from the states start next. Chief was sick for a second and ended up with a teeth cleaning and having one bad tooth extracted. He is recovering from lymes also…