All videos for the tag : lens (3 videos)

  • This is my video of the excellent survival kit as described by Cody Lundin in his book, 98.6 degrees. It contains the modifications I have made, which work with my gear system. Be sure to get his book, it has a wealth of information that could save your life!

  • Sandwich Bag Fire Starter

    Grant Thompson – the King of Random – teaches me how to start a fire with a Sandwich bag. And we tried to melt glass in my backyard: Check out his channel: The intensity of sunlight on Earth is about 1300 Watts per square meter. When you focus the sun’s rays using a magnifying glass…

  • This time: Fire-starting with a Fresnel Lens. A Fresnel lens will save on using matches for cloudy days or nighttime while during sunshine you can start a fire for free. The compact and lightweight design of a Fresnel lens along with being inexpensive makes it a perfect addition to your survival kit. The Fresnel Lens…