All videos for the tag : light (15 videos) - page 2

  • The Self-Extinguishing Candle: There are some 18,000 candle-caused fires annually in the United States, and experts blame carelessness on the part of candle users. Some Candle fires occur because candles were left unattended, abandoned or inadequately supervised. To leave your candle burning so that it will safely extinguish itself at any estimated time, insert the…

  • Urban Survival Lamp: A brief power outage might leave you without power for an extended period of time. A very simple lamp can be made from materials which are available in practically every household in the following manner: A cheap glass tumbler is partly filled with water and then about 1/2 in. of safe, light…

  • This time: Improvised Oil lamp, based on the Kudlik (Inuit lamp, originally with a stone base, lit by whale or seal oil. The Kudlik was used for heat, melting snow, cooking and drying clothes). . Sardines can: The oil (olive oil) is of course useful energy when consumed, but it can provide an emergency heat…