All videos for the tag : nature connection (3 videos)

  • Tom McElroy demonstrates one of the most basic and universal survival shelters that you can make. If built properly, this shelter will not only keep you warm, but it will also repel a rain storm. If interested check out more videos at Please subscribe: Facebook: Instagram: WildSurvivalSkills After a few decades of being obsessed…

  • The Trackways Year course participants head back to the wild…. (To join in your self go to .) or for our on-line courses go to Their first job is to construct their shelters and begin their survival quest. It rained heavily the night before and some of the participants used their carved wooden bowls to…

  • Four Trackways students are preparing to return to the wild. living in harmony with the land for four days. If you want to try this your self go to They must make shelter, find and purify water, make fire from materials they find with natural cordage and forage their own food. They are allowed three…