All videos for the tag : Shelter (500 videos) - page 38

  • Steve Davis,Stillwater Woodcraft,The Pathfinder School,survival,bushcraft,prepping,trekking,fishing,hunting,trapping,woodcraft,camping,flintlock,muzzleloader,knapping,primitive skills,fire,shelter,water,longhunter,colonial,navigation,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

  • Flint and steel Fire building on our Overnight winter survival trip. Instagram- Facebook- Chief’s FaceBook-

  • Climbing in a pit shelter to take a closer look at the construction. A fascinating structure that immediately exemplified its benefits.

  • celá stavba zabrala 3hodiny,ještě to celé zahážu listím,to už jsem v tomto videu nestíhal.

  • Consturuction of a Wikkiup Shelter. The initial subframe is used whilst still attached to the tree and hopefully will stay alive and keep growing. The idea behind this is that in time the living stems will get stronger and tighter. This video is to be continued.

  • Building a Dakota fire hole in our survival shelter for fire, heat and cooking purposes. Our fire pit will work great at heating our shelter. No more cold freezing nights!

  • and invited to the cool and nice WildnisFest im Saarland. Danke für die geniale Zeit! Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: With: Joe Vogel, Wildnistraining Markus Handdrill Marco: and many others. Burning spoons, handdrill, bowdrill, bushcraft survival courses. Archery, climbing, leather work, wild cooking, Wildnis Treffen im Saarland. primitive skills man men women…

  • Winter Survival shelters, like the quinzee and other primitive skills and survival shelters, rely on slowing the air exchange between warmed interior air and the cold air outside. Come to a course to learn more!

  • Quick intro to our HD Series of Poncho Survival Shelter, much more to come.

  • If your BIC-lighter runs out of fuel or you’ve only got a spark, you can still light a fire. The lean-to is a classic shelter around the world. But is not quite as efficient of a shelter as the TV shows and books would lead us to believe. It offers little in the way of…

  • Read the description! Have any questions for us? Make sure to leave a comment or send us a private message, and of course like and subscribe if you learned something. Josh and Brad document their second stealth overnighter, this time they have to build their own shelter with nature’s materials. Bushcraft is the art of…

  • Evasion bug out bag. Let´s say you are isolated in hostile or unfriendly territory and try to avoid capture – with the goal to return to friendly areas. You are challenged by the elements, terrain, hostile military forces and the local populace. You should carry evasion aids on your person, because isolation is usually sudden…